The Good Death
Biographies / Inspiring Stories
1h 23m
Janette is terminally ill and wants to die in a dignified way. Muscular dystrophy, the illness that Janette suffers from, has affected her family for generations. Janette's mother was wheelchair bound for decades, a prisoner in her own body. Janette refuses to wait for death in unbearable pain and opts for physician-assisted suicide. Before leaving on her last journey she has to explain her intention to her family members and close friends. Her son Simon has also inherited this illness and, therefore, has much more sympathy for her decision than his sister Bridget. If no cure for this illness is found, he will face the same decision process as his mother. Both children try to convince Janette to postpone her death. Do we own our life or does it own us?
The film uses feature film techniques, and engaging characters and their stories interwoven with Janette’s testament.
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