Eva's home is a small hill called Birdhill on the outskirts of Bratislava. During her childhood, it was still covered with historic vineyards of Maria Theresa and forest; today's reality is cranes and excavators. In her film, she gets to know its current inhabitants and discovers that each of the...
Rainbow Warrior Trailer
Rainbow Warrior - Spies, sex and submarines: how a small group of environmentalist hippies astonishingly took on a nuclear superpower. (Subtitles: SPA, ITA, JPN, GER, FRA)
Docsville Studios with Europacorp, Fremantle Media. Expanded Media, GNZ and Fifth Floor Productions has made a film about th...
Call of the Land
Inspired by the song 'Land Matters' Lee Love and his partner Rooh Star strive to empower themselves by remaining connected to their environment. Whether this means living in a handmade 'barrel home' or travelling in a makeshift cart, their unique, self-sustainable lifestyle offers an new percepti...
Saving The Amazon
The Amazon plays a vital part in regulating the planet’s temperature. And yet, in the last year, forest destruction in the Brazilian Amazon soared by 85 per cent. The combination of illegal logging and slash and burn agriculture is decimating the land. With huge profits to be made, the Amazon is ...
Nano Worlds
Sheri Neva's day job leads here into an unexpected realm of artistic discovery at the nanoscale. Her work invites us to reexamine the world around us through the lens of an electron microscope. We follow Sheri as she purses the tiny water bear, or tardigrade as her next subject in microphotogra...
The film concerns the Myeik Archipelago in most southern Myanmar. Myanmar, also known as Burma opened its doors to foreign visitors just a few years ago. Today these 800 Islands are among the top 10 destinations of travelers and scuba diver´s bucket lists. This documentary acts as a beautiful hom...
Black Summer
Incredible footage from ordinary Australians captured the ferocity of the bushfires that raged across the country this summer. These videos have been viewed tens of millions of times across the world, but who filmed them and how did their stories end? A team of reporters and producers fanned out ...
Life At 50 Degrees
One of the deadliest results of the climate crisis is extreme heat. How do the millions of people who have to live with increasingly high temperatures survive? This BBC Arabic investigation explores the impact of global warming on different communities across the globe and their struggle to adapt...
Silenced, As Mercury Rises
Whether it’s caused by humans or nature, our bodies are getting more and more contaminated by decades of daily pollution. Of all the toxins and heavy metals, we absorb in our lifetime, the second most toxic and deadly for humans on the periodic table chart is; mercury. With that knowledge in hand...
A vital investigation of the economic and environmental instability of America’s food system, from the agricultural issues we face — soil loss, water depletion, climate change, pesticide use — to the community of leaders who are determined to fix it. Sustainable is a film about the land, the peop...
Up In Smoke
Slash and burn farming is one of the bigges contributors to deforestation, destroying biodiversity and sending huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. S & B sits at the crossroads of two of the greatest threats to global stability: accelerating climate change and diminishing food sec...
Right To Harm
Through the riveting stories of five rural communities, Right To Harm exposes the devastating public health impact factory farming has on many disadvantaged citizens throughout the United States. Filmed across the country, the documentary chronicles the failures of state agencies to regulate indu...
Music For Elephants
An incredible, unique and moving documentary about a concert-pianist who plays music to blind, injured and orphaned elephants with amazing results. At a sanctuary on the shores of the iconic River Kwai in Thailand, Paul Barton plays the works of world's greatest composers to endangered Asian ele...
Murder On The Reef
Murder on the Reef follows the hotly debated issues surrounding the world's largest living structure, the Great Barrier Reef. Many scientists now believe as much as fifty percent of the corals have died and for 4 years, scientist Dr Allen Dobrovolsky tested the reef's water quality and his resear...
All the World is Babylon
The documentary details the troubling political and economic realities underlying climate change by looking at the extraordinary exploitation of Arizona’s water by Saudi transnational corporations.
The Last Surviving Cheetah
Centered around the Asiatic Cheetah, an endangered species, which was believed to have been extinct before 1996,. 'The Last Surviving Cheetahs" us a retracing of the director's journey to discover the Asiatic cheetahs in remote regions of Iran, and features footage gathered over 20 years of docum...
Messages From The End Of World
The documentary describes the dramatic consequences of the climate change in the Arctic zone. Thanks to the Swiss Arctic Project five young people have been navigating for three weeks through hostile and beautiful landscapes up to the North. They have documented the signs of global warming and ra...
A Greenland Story
Intimate stories from locals along Greenland’s west coast reveal a people at a cross roads between tradition and modernity. Feeling the devastating impact of climate change, uncertain times lay ahead.
The Boy From The Wild
Growing up on a Game Reserve meant to help wildlife get out of captivity, it shares how it began and how Peter Meyer survived some incredible moments in the wild.
Silent Forests
More than half of the Central-African forest elephant population has been decimated by poachers in the last decade. Following one of Cameroon’s first female eco-guards, a grassroots law enforcement group, a Congolese biologist, a reformed poacher and a Czech activist, this intimate portrait gains...
Current Sea
A compelling testimony to the possibilities of local activism, this environmental thriller follows investigative journalist, Matt Blomberg, and ocean activist, Paul Ferber, in their dangerous efforts to create a marine conservation area and combat the relentless tide of illegal fishing in Southea...
Ed is commissioned to make a documentary intending to change the habits of society that are detrimental to animals. But completely alien to the animal-loving culture; he will realize that to carry out the project, he must first convince himself.
The process of documentation and Eds conversations ...