Murder On The Reef
Climate & Environment
Murder on the Reef follows the hotly debated issues surrounding the world's largest living structure, the Great Barrier Reef. Many scientists now believe as much as fifty percent of the corals have died and for 4 years, scientist Dr Allen Dobrovolsky tested the reef's water quality and his research and data collected have led him to believe that the reef could now be facing an environmental disaster. This film investigates the causes of the reef's decline (including water contamination, crown-of-thorns starfish and dredging) from the perspective of locals, scientists and the indigenous people of the region.
Up Next in Climate & Environment
All the World is Babylon
The documentary details the troubling political and economic realities underlying climate change by looking at the extraordinary exploitation of Arizona’s water by Saudi transnational corporations.
The Last Surviving Cheetah
Centered around the Asiatic Cheetah, an endangered species, which was believed to have been extinct before 1996,. 'The Last Surviving Cheetahs" us a retracing of the director's journey to discover the Asiatic cheetahs in remote regions of Iran, and features footage gathered over 20 years of docum...