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Call of the Land

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Rainbow Warrior Trailer

Climate & Environment • 2m 25s

Up Next in Climate & Environment

  • Call of the Land

    Inspired by the song 'Land Matters' Lee Love and his partner Rooh Star strive to empower themselves by remaining connected to their environment. Whether this means living in a handmade 'barrel home' or travelling in a makeshift cart, their unique, self-sustainable lifestyle offers an new percepti...

  • Saving The Amazon

    The Amazon plays a vital part in regulating the planet’s temperature. And yet, in the last year, forest destruction in the Brazilian Amazon soared by 85 per cent. The combination of illegal logging and slash and burn agriculture is decimating the land. With huge profits to be made, the Amazon is ...

  • Nano Worlds

    Sheri Neva's day job leads here into an unexpected realm of artistic discovery at the nanoscale. Her work invites us to reexamine the world around us through the lens of an electron microscope. We follow Sheri as she purses the tiny water bear, or tardigrade as her next subject in microphotogra...