Climate & Environment
1h 10m
Eva's home is a small hill called Birdhill on the outskirts of Bratislava. During her childhood, it was still covered with historic vineyards of Maria Theresa and forest; today's reality is cranes and excavators. In her film, she gets to know its current inhabitants and discovers that each of them lives and dreams a slightly different version of this charismatic place. Even though they live on the same hill, they cannot come together to set limits on the construction that is transforming their home unrecognizably, ruthlessly and at a breathtaking pace.
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Rainbow Warrior Trailer
Rainbow Warrior - Spies, sex and submarines: how a small group of environmentalist hippies astonishingly took on a nuclear superpower. (Subtitles: SPA, ITA, JPN, GER, FRA)
Docsville Studios with Europacorp, Fremantle Media. Expanded Media, GNZ and Fifth Floor Productions has made a film about th...
Call of the Land
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Saving The Amazon
The Amazon plays a vital part in regulating the planet’s temperature. And yet, in the last year, forest destruction in the Brazilian Amazon soared by 85 per cent. The combination of illegal logging and slash and burn agriculture is decimating the land. With huge profits to be made, the Amazon is ...