Killing Gävle
Films by Titles - K-Z
In the city of Gävle, Sweden, there is an annual fight between local custodians and mischievous pagans for the spirit of Christmas. Each year since 1966, local business owners have paid for a 40ft straw goat to be made and displayed in the main square for the Holiday season. In 37 of those years, the goat has been burned down or damaged by shadowy outsiders. These goat-burners are pagans who see the giant statue as an accidental effigy to the ancient Norse gods, which must be sacrificed before the end of the year to ensure the return of the sun. In this film, residents from both sides of the goat conflict explain their hopes and motivations as Advent ticks down to Christmas...
Up Next in Films by Titles - K-Z
Killing Field
For years, allegations of war crimes have swirled around Australia’s special forces in Afghanistan. Australian prosecutors have been investigating a small group of elite special forces who stand accused of committing and covering up the murder of civilians in Afghanistan. With exclusive footage a...
Lawyers For Justice
Lawyers (F)or Justice? is an exploration of the contemporary viability of socially conscious law in Ontario. It follows lawyer and director, Yavar Hameed, in his journey to understand the relationship between law and justice from the perspective of social activists, established socially conscious...