Indie Filmmaking Masterclass (30- part series)
Indie Filmmaking Masterclass Ep 4 No money is better than some money
5m 17s
How to raise money to make a feature film? Sometimes you don't need to - no money is sometimes better than some money. It forces you to be creative to solve problems.
Up Next in Season 1
Indie Filmmaking Masterclass Ep 5 Dir...
The aspects of directing that you can improve for yourself: learning to edit, casting well, a well crafted script or instruction manual, motivated camera positions, movement and lighting.
Indie Filmmaking Masterclass Ep 6 Dir...
Why you should watch back every scene with audio. This episode discusses the techniques to patch the audio into your camera so you can watch the synced file and why this is so important for your actors and crew.
Indie Filmmaking Masterclass Ep 7 Act...
More tips for actors: playing the action strongly, playing high stakes and how to do this without under or over playing. Directing using the "yes and..." rule and how actors can incorporate this into performances.