A short film profiling the life of U.S. Ambassador to the E.U. Stuart "Stu" Eizenstat. Eizenstat is known for working with President Jimmy Carter and advising him on the political situation in the Near East. Stuart Eizenstat lobbied for the creation of the Holocaust. During the Clinton Administration, Stuart served as the Special Representative of the President and Secretary of State on Holocaust-Era Issues, negotiating payments for slave and forced laborers, as well as Kindertransport survivors. Stu is a film-interview that tells about Eizenstat's career. It features presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, as well as many other political leaders of note.
Up Next in Politics
Controversial to its core, this hard-hitting anti-Western propaganda film, which looks at the influence of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world from a North Korean perspective, has been described as ‘either a damning indictment of 21st Century culture or the best piece...
Decadece & Downfall
In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed 'king of kings', celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history. Money was no object - a lavish tent city, using 37km of silk, was erected in a specially creeated oasis. The world's top restaurant at the ti...
Dances With The Wind
‘Fury Dance’ is a story about a Korean protest dancer, Sam-hun Lee. He fought for the democratization of South Korea in the ‘80’s through dance, while giving up his own dream to become a ballerino. The film takes the viewer through prominent events in South Korean history, as Sam-hun dances to so...